Rawlings house preserved
Now the Mound City Historical Museum
​The Mound City National Cemetery Preservation Commission has named its headquarters the Mound City Historical Museum. Naming the 170-year-old structure has helped set a vision for the organization since its acquisition in late 2020.
Mary Catherine Willis, the surviving descendant of the family that lived in the house since the 1870s, gifted it to the Commission. Mary says she was thrilled when the Commission agreed to accept the property, knowing it would be preserved and its history honored.​
Moses M. Rawlings, the founder of Mound City, built the house in 1854 from timber brought downstream from Louisville, Kentucky. The house was a general store, post office, hotel, and barracks for troops guarding the Mound City Navy Depot. The roof is made of iron.

Mary Catherine Willis is honored for her generosity and forethought to ensure the preservation of 315 S. Fourth Street, Mound City, Illinois for future generations to enjoy.

Special thanks to Richard Kuenneke of Deeproar Content
for creating the video on this page.
The Rawlings Reservation offers the Commission an exciting opportunity. Take a moment to watch and hear from Commission leadership about potential plans.